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Learn to "Dig - At - It"

There is MORE to thyroid disease, than simply taking medication and hoping your thyroid continues functioning properly.

Despite taking thyroid medication, many people continue to suffer from fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, up and down weight, depression, muscle aches, anxiety, and the list goes on...

But what if there was a way to get rid of these symptoms for good?

I took 10+ years of self-experimentation, research, and my pharmacist brain to bring you Hashimoto’s: The Root Cause. It was my first grassroots effort to share with other people struggling with autoimmune thyroid disease, that healing IS possible

People’s lives CAN CHANGE for the better after implementing the research I've uncovered.

For a limited time, I’m offering our community, Hashimoto’s: The Root Cause for FREE (for just the cost of shipping and handling), so that you can discover how to recover your health and feel like you again!

Identify The Triggers & Discover Your Root Cause

  • 1
    Depletions Digestion
  • 2
    Iodine Inflammation Infection Immune
  • 3
    Gut Gluten
  • 4
    Adrenals Alkaline Phosphate
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

The Roadmap to Recover Your Health is in the Pages of This Book.

Learn how to utilize Dr. Wentz's systematic method to identify triggers.

Implement a targeted healing protocol that tackles the triggers.

Izabella Wentz
It is my sincere hope, if you have suffered from fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, weight management, dry skin, depression, muscle aches, and the countless other symptoms, that your life will be changed for the better after implementing the research I've uncovered. It can help you do what most doctors and most clinicians would consider impossible, to put Hashimoto's into remission.
~Dr. Izabella Wentz, Pharm D.

What Readers Are Saying...

“A must read for Hashimoto's patients, Doctors & Members of American Thyroid Association!”

I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for about 14 years now, and learned more about this autoimmune disease within the 1st three chapters of Dr. Izabella Wentz's book, versus the 14 years under the care of 2 different Endocrinologists. The book provides sufferers of Hashimoto's some "light at the end of tunnel" and confidence in implementing a tactical approach ("DIG AT IT" approach, page 60) for managing their disease in understanding the uniqueness of their own personal healing and route in feeling BETTER -

1) Understanding the "triggers"
2) The best supplements to take
4) Recommended lab work and tests (that unfortunately MOST endocrinologist do NOT know!!!)

Dr. Wentz channels from her own experience with Hashimoto's in detailing the various factors that all Hashimoto's patients need to understand and manage effectively.

Most Hashimoto's patients are so fearful of mismanagement of their condition and feeling worse, this book helps remove the fear and educates you in getting your entire body back on the right track. Do yourself a favor, "DIG AT IT" and buy this book. Now! You've wasted enough time dealing with terrible doctors, start feeling better NOW!

The Thyroid Revolution is coming, organizers of it will be waving this book in their hands! New standards, methods and testing protocol for the clinical treatment of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis need to be addressed and implemented by medical community.

After reading your book, I took my diet and healthcare back into my own hands. I have lost 15 pounds and am feeling 20 years younger. My 6-month check-up with my endo is in November, and he will be shocked at the changes. I am also giving him a copy of your book. - Susan S.

Your book has helped me so much already. I found the right doctor and the right supplements for me. My stats are right on. I feel so much better. - Violette J.

I bought your book and read it in one night. I went gluten free the next day and noticed a marked improvement in my symptoms, in one week. I no longer had headaches every day, my joint and muscle aches disappeared, numbness and tingling in my arms decreased, the obvious G.I. symptoms improved, and my insomnia went away. - Jennifer W.