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Carnitine Blend

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Carnitine Blend combines 400 mg L-carnitine and 100 mg acetyl-L-carnitine, in one convenient capsule. L-carnitine is a derivative of amino acids and naturally occurs in foods, but significant amounts are only found in dark meats (due to high concentrations of mitochondria). L-carnitine is known for its role in supporting muscle strength, normal fat metabolism, and healthy energy production. Carnitine Blend also contains acetyl-L-carnitine, which has unique brain-supportive properties.*

Carnitine Blend provides support for:*

  • people on vegetarian diets, or when dark meats are consumed in small amounts
  • exercise performance, through encouraging the body to burn fat during exercise
  • normal energy levels, by assisting in the transport of fats as a fuel source
  • healthy weight management, by supporting the body's ability to build muscle and burn fat

Product Size: 120 vegetarian capsules

    What is Carnitine Blend?
    Carnitine Blend combines 400 mg L-carnitine and 100 mg acetyl-L-carnitine, in one convenient capsule. L-carnitine is a derivative of amino acids and naturally occurs in foods, but significant amounts are only found in dark meats (due to high concentrations of mitochondria). L-carnitine is known for its role in supporting muscle strength, normal fat metabolism, and healthy energy production. Carnitine Blend also contains acetyl-L-carnitine, which has unique brain-supportive properties.*

    What are the benefits of Carnitine Blend?
    Carnitine Blend provides support for people on vegetarian diets, or when dark meats are consumed in small amounts. It also supports exercise performance through encouraging the body to burn fat during exercise, supports energy levels by assisting in the transport of fats as a fuel source, and supports healthy weight management by assisting the body's ability to build muscle and burn fat.*

    Does Carnitine affect thyroid hormones?
    Carnitine has traditionally been used by individuals with hyperthyroidism to help with symptoms resulting from hyperthyroid-induced carnitine depletion (such as muscle wasting), so scientists initially believed that carnitine acted like an “antagonist” or a thyroid hormone receptor blocker, and cautioned against using carnitine in hypothyroidism. However, subsequent research has shown that carnitine acts to modulate thyroid hormones within our cells, so it can act like an “agonist” (a substance that initiates a response when combined with a receptor) helping thyroid hormone action in cases of hypothyroidism, and as an “antagonist” (blocker) in cases of hyperthyroidism. Studies have shown benefits in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. As a best practice with all interventions used for Hashimoto’s, I recommend tracking symptoms, testing thyroid hormone levels and testing thyroid antibodies after starting new therapies.*

    What is the recommended dose?
    The recommended dose is one capsule per day.

    When should I take it?
    Take one capsule before a meal.

    How long can I take Carnitine Blend?
    Carnitine Blend is recommended to be taken for 3 months to 2 years.

    Can it be taken with thyroid medications?
    Carnitine Blend should be taken at least 30 to 60 minutes away from thyroid medications.

    Are there any side effects that I should be aware of when taking Carnitine Blend?
    Carnitine does have a "moving" mechanism, so taking too much may cause loose stools. Other possible side effects of L-Carnitine can include agitation, dry mouth, headache, insomnia, reduced appetite, and may cause a fish-like body odor.

    Not to be used with peripheral vascular disease, high blood pressure, liver disease due to alcoholism (cirrhosis), diabetes, kidney disease, or a history of seizures. Do not use if you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients in this supplement.

    DO NOT TAKE if taking the following medications: AZT, doxorubicin, isotretinoin (Accutane), valproic acid (Depakote), or blood thinners.

    Carnitine may also affect Hormone Replacement Therapy, and may increase or cause an imbalance in testosterone levels.

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